The Anatomy of a Farewell Letter

Today we'll show how a general farewell letter should be written. This specific example is a farewell letter written to a friend/colleague.
Farewell letters are not just to say good-bye. They also provide a good instance to show appreciation to the person, to remember good times together, and to wish them well on their future and new adventures. This letter is also to show the person you care about them and that you wish to stay in contact with them.
See our example below to get an idea of how to write a farewell letter. We hope you find the inspiration to write your own letter to that special someone!
1. Begin by addressing the person in a heartwarming way.
Example: Dear Nick,
2. Even if you're sad this person is moving on with his life, do your best to keep this letter positive and happy. Mention a nice shared memory.
Example: I can't believe this is your last week working here. Eddy and I were just talking about last summer, when we went to the Smiles for Smiles fundraising event. What a great time we had! I'm glad we had the chance to know each other and share fun moments together.
3. Tell the person that even though he is leaving the team, and you'll miss him terribly, that you will always remember the fun times together, and that you wish him well on his future.
Example: I will miss your jokes, and your amazing skills at making everyone happy in the office. It will be hard to find someone to replace your position, but I can't blame you for wanting to move on and experience something new. It will be a great experience to move to Paris and practice your french! I wish you the best on this amazing new adventure, I'm sure you'll come back victorious.
4. Tell this person you wish to stay connected, and to keep you in mind for any chance of development for yourself.
Example: France is far, but we can still stay in touch. My email and phone number will remain the same, so feel free to reach me when you need to. Keep me in mind when you're back! I'll keep you in mind in case there's a fun, interesting opportunity for you around here.
5. Conclude by thanking him for being your friend, say good-bye, and your best wishes once again.
Example: Thank you for being such an attentive friend and co-worker. Now go be the amazing person you are to the people in France!
Please do keep in touch,
Emery Jackson
(123) 123 1234
Email here
Easy, right? As usual, you can get your message across, whatever it is, by having a bit of organization. Just follow the plan above and we're sure you'll get an amazing farewell letter. Stay tuned for more examples and ideas!